Monday, July 8, 2013

Reader's Advisory

"I need a Good Mystery to Read." "Can you suggest a Romance Author?" "Do you have any books that are similar to..... ?" 
These are all questions I get on a weekly, if not daily, basis.  I've worked in a library for almost 18 years. I started on July 25, 1995. This is the only job I've ever had.   I know these statements are unheard of in this day and age but when you find a job that you love to do, it's too good to give up.
I've found several sites over the years to help me with suggestions to all my family, friends, coworkers and patrons.
Although it doesn't look like its been updated in about a year, it's still a good site to browse authors and genres.  (taken from their "about us" page) 
"The right book in the right hands at the right time can change the world."
"[They] are the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Our mission is to help people find and share books they love."  Feel free to look me up (taken from their page) "a website to die for.... if you love mysteries. A resource for lovers of mystery, crime, thriller, spy, and suspense books. They list over 4,100 authors, with chronological lists of their books (over 47,000 titles), both series (4,800+) and non-series. book reviews, contests, columns...  all about books. Book reviews from a voracious reader. 
What Should I read Next?Type in an Author or a Title then it will show you a list of titles you may like. ( Gnooks is a self-adapting community system based on the gnod engine. Discover new writers you will like, travel the map. of literature and discuss your favorite books and authors. a great site... once you rate about 10 titles, the site offer suggestions and predictions of other titles you might like.  

I know there are a few more that I just can't think of right now.  I'll just have to add to this or post again another time. 

Please feel free to add any other great RA sites in the comments.

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